Sink or Swim: Entrepreneurs Learn to Manage Risk

August 27, 2018by Nate Nead0

Part of managing any project also means managing risks. Project managers learn to identify, categorize, and effectively respond to risks with experience. While many entrepreneurs might stem from some form of project management experience, many learn to address, manage, and respond to project and business risk through trial and error and experimentation.
If you are reading this and think this sounds, well, risky…it is. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs who take a leap of faith and plunge into business often fall short, failing to properly address risks, and losing the business as a whole.
Here are some ways entrepreneurs can take the bull by the horns and learn to manage and address risk…before it’s too late.
Think Outside the Box for Creative Solutions. When entrepreneurs are first presented with a project or conflict that requires a solution or a risk response action, most make the mistake of fully immersing themselves in the problem itself. While this is often human nature, it isn’t necessarily the most effective course of action.
Sometimes it is best to disengage yourself from the conflict or problem and look at it from a different light (or after a good night’s sleep!) Thinking outside the box and looking at a conflict or project from a creative perspective often results in effective, creative solutions that are also successful.
Accept that There Will Be Problems. Since many entrepreneurs are faced with wearing multiple “hats” on a regular basis, it can be difficult to let go of some control and accept that there will be conflict from time to time. However, learning to accept that problems will arise now and again can help entrepreneurs keep a level head when they do occur.
Entrepreneurs put so much time, effort, and emphasis into ensuring the business runs like a well-oiled machine that it is often difficult to accept when we make mistakes. When conflict arises, sometimes they take it as a personal attack and reflection on management style and performance. However, this isn’t always the case. It is in the nature of every business to deal with conflict and problems from time to time.
Learning By Doing. Entrepreneurs who are ready to become entrepreneurs often jump in with both feet. Sure, there are hundreds of educational programs, training opportunities, and even professional development options that can aid an entrepreneur in learning how to successfully run a business. However, sometimes there is no better way to learn the ropes of running a business and managing risk than by doing.
Finally, while there technically is no “right” or “wrong” ways to manage projects, business, and risks, there are methodologies that are certainly more successful than others. The other variable to managing projects and risks is the entrepreneur’s personality and attitude. If an entrepreneur maintains a positive attitude and is willing to jump in and swim and provide creative solutions to projects, teams, and customers, business will be that much more successful.

Nate Nead

Nate Nead is a former licensed investment banker and Principal at InvestNet, LLC and Nate works with middle-market corporate clients looking to acquire, sell and divest. Nate resides in Bentonville, Arkansas with his family where he enjoys mountain biking.

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